... it's a damn blog !! ...: Mocca Live@JoGJa


Mocca Live@JoGJa

MOCCA - Secret Admirer

Oh, secret admirer
When you're around the autumn feels like summer
How come you're always messing up the weather?
Just like you do to me....

My silly admirer
How come you never send me bouquet of flowers?
It's whole lot better than disturbing my slumber
If you keep knocking at my door

Last night in my sleep
I dreamt of you riding on my counting sheep
Oh how you're always bouncing
Oh you look so annoying.

Dear handsome admirer
I always think that you're a very nice fellow
But suddenly you make me feel so mellow
Every time you say hello

And every time you look at me
I wish you vanish and disappear into the air
How come you keep on smiling?
Oh! You look so annoying.

My secret admirer
I never thought my heart could be so yearning
Please tell me now why you try to ignore me
'Cause I do miss you so
['cause I do miss you so...]
My silly admirer
['cause I do miss you so...]
My handsome admirer
['cause I do miss you so...]
Dear secret admirer
['cause I do miss you so...]
'Cause I do miss you so
['cause I do miss you so...]
hari Jumat, 4 Juni 2005 di parkiran McD Sudirman. Serasa muda kembali.. sungguh bagus dan enak didenger. Yg ngga sempet nonton S.U.K.U.R.I.N.!.! Arina tambah indah nyanyinya, walopun misi bergaya ala balita.. huehuehue Piss Arina!!

Mocca manggung setelah acara super student yg diadain Indosat. Kira kira jam 21:30 WIB muncul si Arina sambil nenteng nenteng tongkat sakti yg bisa ngeluarin swara.. trus menyanyilah dia, lagu pertama kalo ngga salah I Think I'm In Love.. (^-^)V

yg pasti satu keinginan sudah terkabul. hehe.. tinggal nunggu Ten2Five nih.. =)


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January 3, 2010 at 4:33 AM  
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January 9, 2010 at 8:39 AM  

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